Technical Manuals

Software ClientsTechnical manuals serve a variety of functions. Some explain what to do, others explain how to do, or why you should do something.

In our complex technological world, good technical documentation is essential. Poorly written, or non-existent manuals alienate and frustrate users and customers, as well as cause costly errors.

Well-written technical manuals, publications, online help, and inter/intranet sites present a professional image of your company to the public and to your technical audience. Well written manuals result in reduced support costs and lower product return rates.

Benefits of Technical Manuals

Clear, well written manuals can help your organization to:

  • Increase customer satisfaction.
  • Improve sales due to easily-referenced product information.
  • Present a professional appearance for your organization.
  • Reduce technical support calls.
  • Reduce product returns (keeping the product sold).
  • Improve your corporate image.
  • Help to foster create brand loyalty.
  • Enhance the out-of-box experience and product acceptance.
  • Build customer satisfaction and encourage customers to return
  • Identify errors and gaps in the interface during the analysis phase of development.

Types of Technical Manuals

Rowan Tree Books has produced a broad variety of technical manuals for the oil and gas, software, and engineering industries. We have created:




FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) are typically a list of questions and answers about a specific topic. FAQs are used for many topics, from programming languages, to health care, to business practices. FAQs are most frequently found in Online Help Systems and Web Systems. 


Installation Guide

Installation Guides

An Installation Guide guides the installer through the software installation process. It may include manual procedures, step-by-step activities, or the use of an installation wizard. It can include installation procedures, configuration information, error handling, and re-requisites for installation. The length of the installation guide can vary from a single page (for simple products) to a full manual (for complex products).


Medical Articles

Medical Articles and Books

Medical articles and books can range from general health care articles for the public, FAQs, and blogs, to extensive health related websites, and complete publications about health conditions and related topics.

Our authors have co-written or published the following internationally best-selling health-care books:

User Guides

Operations Manuals

An Operations  Manual can be one of the following:

  • A detailed document or set of manuals, that describes in detail, the processes and systems that a company uses to produce its goods and services.
  • A manual that accompanies a technical device and explain how to operate it. (Also known as a User’s Guide.)

Procedures Manual

Procedures Manuals

Procedures manuals provide instructions for the day-to-day operation of a business venture. They are essential for:

  • Ensuring consistency and quality in the delivery of services and products.
  • Providing a written response or solution for common problems encountered in the business.
  • Ensuring that common problems are addressed in a consistent and similar manner.
  • Introducing consistency in the practice of the processes and procedures within an organization.

Today, procedure manuals can take the classical hard-copy format, where the structure and organization is dictated by the order in which activities must occur. Or… for those organizations who prefer to access such information online… they may appear in modular, online procedural files and for which organizations is defined within the RDIMS and overview documents. These online systems have proven to be a very effective format for standard operating procedures (SOPs), technical support centres, and office management information systems.


Project Manual

Product Manuals

A Product Manual is an instructional document that is supplied with almost all technologically advanced consumer products such as vehicles, cameras, home appliances, and computers.

Product Manuals are written in an easy-to-understand English, and contain information such as safety, assembly, and installation instructions, as well as troubleshooting tips.


Programmer Reference Manual

Programmer Reference Manuals

A Programmer Reference manual is used by software developers as they design and develop their software system. It can include:

  • Requirements analysis.
  • Software requirements.
  • System architecture.
  • Memory management.
  • Database organization.
  • Migrations details.
  • Coding standards.
  • Debugging methodologies.
  • Exceptions and Standards.
  • Documentation standards.

Software Clients

QuickStart Guides

A QuickStart Guide is a short, simple introductory guide for everything from consumer electronics products to software applications. QuickStart Guides help users to quickly get used  to the basic operations of a product or application. They are typically 20 to 50 pages in length, and provide a broad introduction to the use of the product.

Complex or detailed explanations are usually found in the User’s Manual.

QuickStart documents may also take the form of:

  • Wall charts that show frequently used information.
  • Keyboard overlays.
  • Short process flow overviews and diagrams.

Oil and Gas Clients

Requirements Documentation

Requirements documentation is used to define what a particular piece of software (or hardware) is supposed to do, and is used by the developers throughout the software development phase. This document is the foundation for the design and development of the system, and as such, should be very clear, and comprehensive.

Requirements documents should be detailed enough to:

  • Clearly list all the user’s business requirements for the system.
  • Clearly define all the expected capabilities of the system.
  • Communicate what needs to be achieved.

As product complexity increases, it becomes more critical that your Requirements Document be clearly defined, and be very comprehensive.  


Software Reference Manual

Software Reference Manuals

A Software Reference Manual provides comprehensive information on the capabilities, design details, features, and limitations of a system or application software. Usually, a Reference Manual explains the parts and function of a product. It answers the question, “What is…”.

Typically, this will include detailed descriptions of each user interface element (dialog boxes, buttons, fields, screens, etc.), when it is used, options available, and how it is used. It serves as a resource for:

  • Software developers as they develop each aspect of the system.
  • Managers as they work to ensure that all elements are functional, consistent, and in place in the software.
  • Software testers when they test each module of the software for functionality and accuracy.
  • Technical Writers as they prepare the user documentation and its accompanying procedures.

Software Operating Procedures

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

An SOP is a written document or instruction providing step-by-step procedures for handling business processes or situations. SOPS are used to:

  • Provide employees with the information they need to complete common business practices, activities, or tasks in a standard, approved manner.
  • Used to train new employees on standard business practices.

Healthcare Clients

User Guides

A User Guide is a task-based document that explains how to carry out tasks and procedures. It answers the question of “How do I…”. It can contain process flow charts, technical descriptions, procedural instructions, drawings, and diagrams.

A User Guide (or Procedures Manual)  provides the user with detailed information about how to:

  •  Use their software application. They are most commonly associated with software applications, electronic goods, or mechanical devices.
  • Conduct the day-to-day operation of a business venture.

User Guides are written in simple, straight-forward English, with a minimal use of technical terms. Graphics, screen-shots, and other images are used to help the user successfully complete each task.

Information is structured in recognizable patterns that are repeated throughout the book. For example, all procedures will have a title, description, and numbered steps.


White Papers

White Papers

A White Paper is a 2 to 20 page document that details an experience, analysis, or result.

Often, white papers are used to explain (and sell) products and technologies. White papers are often used as sales and marketing material, and are often released after a new product or service is on the market.


Meeting Your Goals

Project PlanningWe work closely with our client to identify the specific goals to be met by our technical manuals. For example, our clients may require one or more of the following features:

  • Comprehensive indexing of topics to allow for easy access to critical information.
  • Consistent use of termniology.
  • Clear definition of industry standard terms.
  • Ability to single-source hardcopy content for online usage – either into web based HTML or into PDF.
  • Clear concise English that engages the reader, and encourages understanding of complex ideas.
  • Cross-references to related topics to reduce redundancy of information.
  • Easy-to-maintain, easy-to-manage organization, document styles, and templates.

Our Methodology

Our hard-copy documentation projects follow our standard and proven documentation processes. Our resulting documentation is delivered in a format that is pleasing to the eye, provides easy access to information, and is written in an easy-to-understand structure and format.

Our Technical Manuals

For more information about the technical manual projects we have completed, click on the following of our clients: